Charlotte Fall Classic Game Rules


Games will consist of four (4) twelve (12) minute running quarters. Clock will stop in the last two minutes of the second half only and only if the score is within 2 goals. If the score is 3-0, the clock runs. The clock will stop temporarily if there is an injury.
No bench time between 1-2 & 3-4 quarters, just switch ends & Face-Off.
Five (5) minute half time.

Each team has one timeout per half that can be used at any time in the contest, as long as it is within the rules set forth by the NFHS. Unused timeouts do not carry over into the second half or the OT period. The game clock will stop for all time outs. The Timoutpolicy for OT games is listed below.

Pool Play:
Any game in which the score is tied at the end of regulation time shall be followed by one (1) three (3) minute sudden victory overtime period. If the score is tied at the end of the 3-minute overtime, the game will end in a tie score. No bench time after regulation, & do not switch ends of the field, face off ASAP.

Playoff Games:
No playoff game can end in a tie, the overtime format will continue until a goal is scored.  Time outs will be granted in semifinal or championship games on Sunday. Each team will be granted one TO to use in the first OT. They do not receive additional timeouts if it goes into double OT and beyond.

Other than EMO/EMD, teams are not permitted to play a zone defense at any point in any contest. 

All legal stick & body checks are permitted. All stick checks must be executed with proper intent of contact with the ball carriers stick and or gloves. NO TAKE-OUT CHECKS ARE PERMITTED BY ANY PLAYER AT ANY AGE LEVEL. A take-out check is defined as: Any body checks considered more aggressive or more physical than necessary to stop the advancement of the player carrying the ball or to keep or move a player away from a loose ball. This includes but is not limited to: (i) any check in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to knock down the opposing player; (ii) any check in which a player makes contact with sufficient force and intent to injure the opposing player; and (iii) any check made in a reckless or intimidating manner. Any body check on a player in a defenseless position. This includes but is not limited to: (i) body checking a player from his “blind side”; (ii) body checking a player who has his head down in an attempt to play a loose ball; and (iii) body checking a player whose head is turned away to receive a pass, even if that player turns toward the contact immediately before the body check. NOTE: Game officials should be especially alert to blind side checks at all youth levels. 

NOCSEA approved field lacrosse equipment must be worn. Goaltenders shall wear throat guards, chest protector, gloves, mouthpiece, and protective cup. All Field Players must wear a lacrosse helmet, mouthpiece, lacrosse shoulder pads, lacrosse arm guards, lacrosse gloves and a protective cup. All players must properly wear mouth guards at all times. 

 PENALTIES: ALL Divisions (except 7v7 - explained below) will play man up-man down and the penalties are running time.
-30 second infraction will be 45 seconds
-60 second penalty will be 75 seconds
-2:00 penalty will be 2:30
-3:00 min penalty will be 3:30.

5th (2032)-11th Grade (2025):
Clearing Counts of 20 seconds to cross the midline and 10 seconds to advance the ball into the box. Teams must keep it in the restraining box under two minutes left if the game is within 2 goals. If a team is up by 3 goals or more they do not need to keep it int he restraining box.

10U/4th grade (2033) and Below:
No Counts. Exception is a 4-sec goalie count. Teams do not need to keep it in the restraining box under two minutes.

Long Sticks
Are permitted in ALL divisions, except the 7v7 division – see below

Each field has a coordinator who will be positioned in the substitution box. They will keep the game clock, penalty time, score and general administration of the game and tournament. Their score is the official score and is final. 

The top teams are determined by:
1. W-L recorded
2. head to head
3. GA = Goals Against
4. Coin flip. 

It is our goal for each team to play as many other teams as possible while still allowing the top teams in each division the best chance to reach the playoffs. Each team is scheduled to play 3 or 4 games in their division/pool. After these games, the top two teams in each division advance to the playoffs. If a team plays an “extra game” because there is an odd number of teams in a division – their 4th & final game of the day will not count toward their record. If time allows, any divisions of 12 teams or more, the division will be divided into pools so the top teams in each pool make the playoffs.

Any player or coach ejected from a game by the game officials, will need to leave the players sideline for the remainder of that game and will not be permitted to coach or play in the teams next contest at the event. After serving the one game suspension the player or coach will be permitted to return. A second violation by the same player or coach will result in immediate termination from the event. 

ROSTER RULES. No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team during the tournament. Any team in violation of the above roster rules will forfeit all games in which the ineligible player has participated and forfeit any opportunity to advance to the championship game. If a team has to forfeit for any reason a score of 7-0 will be recorded.
Roster emergencies - we allow players to “double roster” if and only if 1) it is within the same program, 2) the team needs players to avoid a forfeit, and 3) the player is age-and grade eligible for that division. Unless the tournament director is notified, no player may compete or be rostered on more than one team during the tournament. 


7v7 - 2033/2034
Games will be played on a shortened field: 72 x 40 yards.

In addition to notes above, will have these modifications:
(Please note we do NOT have a one pass rule in effect)

-7v7 (2 attack, 2 middies, 2 defensemen) + Goalie. 
-Faceoffs after every goal; attackmen and defensemen cannot pass the restrainer line until possession is awarded to a team.  
-Two 20-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.  
-No counts advancement or goalie counts.  
-One 1-minute timeout per half. 
-No body checking is allowed.  
-No long poles. 

No EMO/EMD.  All flag down situations will result in “fast break” for the offended team.  All 4 middies (both teams) will start behind the midfield line with the ball carrier receiving a 6-yard head start. All 4 midfielders will “play/go” on the re-start whistle.

Mercy Rule: A team that is behind by six (6) or more goals shall be awarded the ball behind their goal (at X) without a face-off.  Before a goal is scored the team just start the possession with a pass. The team that is behind shall have the option of waiving this rule at any point in the contest.